Please note: This site works on all major internet browsers for both Windows and Apple devices. However, it does
not function properly on mobile devices. Please use this site on a desktop or laptop, rather than a tablet or phone.
The PAG 208 Plan and Portal shall not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. The data generated by PAG
or its data sources is provided on an “as is” basis, and thus there are no warranties, expressed or implied, including,
but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall PAG be
liable for any damages resulting from the use of the PAG 208 Plan and Portal. While PAG provides the information in the
PAG 208 Plan and Portal in good faith and has endeavored to create and maintain accurate information, the users of the
PAG 208 Plan and Portal are advised to use them with caution and to independently verify accuracy and reasonableness.
Data providers are responsible for updating PAG regularly and for the accuracy of the data presented the PAG 208 Plan
and Portal, including GIS data and facility descriptions. The contents in the PAG 208 Plan and Portal do not necessarily
state or reflect the official views or policies of local, State or Federal Agencies. PAG is not responsible for the
accuracy of the facility boundaries and descriptions as reflected on any maps and text within the PAG 208 Plan and
Portal; all wastewater service related boundaries and datasets are shown as reported by the Designated Management
Agencies. In no event shall PAG be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the information provided in the PAG
208 Plan and Portal.