About the PAG 208 Plan Portal
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Pima Association of Governments is the Designated Planning Agency (DPA) under Section 208 of the federal Clean Water Act and, as such,
is responsible for regional wastewater treatment planning throughout Pima County, excluding tribal lands. PAG maintains and updates the
Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan) for the region. PAG conducts regional wastewater planning in coordination with the
region’s three Designated Management Agencies (DMA) are responsible for ensuring that wastewater service is provided in their management
areas. This facilities portal functions as the wastewater facility inventory portion of the Plan.
PAG requests that DMAs and facility managers provide updated service boundary areas when the extent changes. Data sources are responsible
for updating PAG regularly. The contents do not necessarily state or reflect the official views or policies of local, State or Federal
Agencies. Facility boundaries do not constitute a PAG 208 policy and may be modified. DMA boundaries are adopted in the PAG 208 Plan.
Under state and federal regulations, all new or significantly changed wastewater treatment facilities must gain consistency with the 208
Plan before permits may be issued. PAG consistency review of ADPDES and APP permits are required on new public wastewater treatment
facilities (WWTFs) discharging over 3000 gallons per day (GPD) or modifications to existing WWTFs, including, but not limited to a change
in design capacity, effluent disposal, the amount of effluent processed, or ownership. All private facilities require a 208 Plan Amendment,
unless they are otherwise deemed consistent with the 208 Plan.
More information about PAG 208 Planning can be found here.
To use the portal, click here.