PAG Data Portal
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Welcome to the Data Portal
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To download a shapefile of any of the base data layers in the map, click on the disk icon next to the layer name in the legend:
To pan around the map, you can click and drag your mouse in the direction you want to pan. To zoom in on the map, double click on the area you want to zoom into, or, if you have a mouse wheel, you can use that to zoom in or out. Or use the Zoom In/Out control in the upper left corner of the map:
To explore layer information, make sure the layer is visible in the Legend and then click on the feature you want to view the attributes of:
To turn layers on and off, click the checkbox next to the layer name in the Legend:
To change the basemap from topographic to a satellite image, click the Basemap Toggle in the upper right corner:
City of Tucson Prop. 101 and 411 Projects
PAG TIP 2023 – 2027 – These are maps for TIP improvements by year
ADT on Southeast Pima County Major Arterials and/or Collectors –
This GIS application has ADT for arterials throughout the Tucson area (need to zoom in to see the ADT)
ADOT 5-Year Plan
AZ State Legislature / AZ Budget – Earmark Roadway Projects
SunTran Bus Route
Pima County Major Streets and Routes Maps
Pima County Impact Fee Benefit Area Maps
Pima County Impact Fee Credit Eligible Roadways
Pima County General Fund 5-Year CIP Project List
Pima County Pay-Go Roadway Improvements List
Pima County RTA Remaining Project List
City of Tucson Major Streets and Routes Map
City of Tucson Impact Fee Benefit Area Maps
City of Tucson Impact Fee Credit Eligible Roadways
City of Tucson General Fund 5-Year CIP Project List
City of Tucson Prop 101 and 411 / CoT Roadway Bonds and Taxes – 411 this is still being developed. Info on this prop is here
RTA Remaining Project List
Census Designated Places, CDP populations, regional infrastructure that serves CDPs
How to download data and use the map
To download a shapefile of any of the base data layers in the map, click on the disk icon next to the layer name in the legend:
To pan around the map, you can click and drag your mouse in the direction you want to pan. To zoom in on the map, double click on the area you want to zoom into, or, if you have a mouse wheel, you can use that to zoom in or out. Or use the Zoom In/Out control in the upper left corner of the map:
To explore layer information, click the Information Tool in the upper left corner and click on features in the map:
To turn layers on and off, click the checkbox next to the layer name in the Legend:
To change the basemap from topographic to a satellite image, click the Basemap Toggle in the upper right corner: